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123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD

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This is without doubt an essential reference library for The American Revolutionary War history enthusiasts. ********It is nearly impossible to find all these OLD & RARE documents in any form and if found they would cost a fortune! ____________________ Many of these OLD & RARE documents date back to the 1700s and all of their content is just as impressive today as it was then. You can READ, TRANSFER, COPY, CUT, PASTE, SAVE & ZOOM IN on any text, diagrams or illustrations. The pictures you see in this auction were taken from this DVD These documents can be read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, Kindle, ebook reader but will not work on regular DVD Players ************ The Complete List of the Documents Bill for provisions in 1777, by Gridley, Scarboro (1778) Bill to British government from the U.S. Continental Congress for supplying Convention Army, £4,453, by Heath, William (1778) Bill to Congress for pay in 1777, by Callender, John, Captain (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £0.10.4, by Warland, William; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £0.14.0, by Manning, Samuel; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £2.11.3, by Abbot, Samuel; Kneeland, John (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £13.6.7, by Whitworth, Miles; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £17.15.7, by Chardon, Peter; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £27.5.1, by Grant, Samuel; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim against the estate of Joseph Warren for £82.8.2, by Crafts, William; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim for clothing and fabric against the estate of Joseph Warren for £13.10.0, by Abraham, Nicholas; Warren, Joseph (1778) Claim regarding shoes and boots against the estate of Joseph Warren for £36.7.10, by How, Lemuel; Warren, Joseph (1778) Deposition about James Wilson's opposition to military draft and independence, by Nicholson, Joseph, Jr; Paca, William (1778) Document allowing two escaped prisoners to go to Reading, Mass, by Cooke, Nicholas; Nichols, Benjamin; Nichols, Jonathan (1778) Document authorizing Col. Isaac Motte to receive £3000 for clothes for 2d South Carolina Continental Regiment, by Lowndes, Rawlins; Motte, Isaac (1778) Document authorizing Deputy Paymaster General Ebenezer Hancock to pay Seth Loring $213 as General William Heath's secretary, by Gates, Horatio (1778) Document authorizing George Williams to receive Pickering's pay as General Court member from Treasurer Henry Gardner, by Pickering, John; Gardner, Henry (1778) Document authorizing Paymaster Benjamin Steele to pay £100 to Lt. Seth Chapin, by Sullivan, John; Chapin, Seth; Steele, Benjamin (1778) Document authorizing Paymaster Benjamin Steele to pay Major Silas Talbot $328 for ship, by Talbot, Silas; Steele, Benjamin; Sullivan, John (1778) Document authorizing Paymaster Ebenezer Hancock to pay Col. Jacob Gerrish $2,683 for recruiting 17th Essex Co. Regt., by Heath, William; Hancock, Ebenezer (1778) Document authorizing payment of $48 to Col. Joseph Jackson, Paymaster of Col. Israel Hutchinson's Regiment in 1775, for arms captured by British at Ft. Washington, by Heath William (1778) Document authorizing Samuel Johnson to transfer to Col. Moses Hazen's 2d Canadian Continental Regiment, by Hale, D., Col; Hazen, Moses; Johnson, Samuel (1778) Document disapproving of proposed state constitution and objecting to lack of bill of rights, articles 2 to 32, excessive elections, and lack of control over General Court, by Pond, Daniel (1778) Document ordering John Greenough, Esq., in Wellfleet, to capture H.M.S. Somerset, 60 guns, stranded of Truro, by Powell, Jeremiah; Greenough, John (1778) Document prepared by John Avery and James Warren about instructing Congressional delegates to sign Articles of Confederation, by Massachusetts. General Court; Avery, John (1778) Document protesting against proposed state constitution, Part 1, by Parsons, Theophilus (1778) Document protesting against proposed state constitution, Part 2, by Parsons, Theophilus (1778) Document regarding reimbursement for payment to an American for return of escaped cattle, by Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, comte (1778) Draft authorizing State Treasurer to pay Col. Francis Marion £2,000 for recruiting 2d South Carolina Militia Regt., by Lowndes, Rawlins; Marion, Francis (1778) Letter about boredom and official jealousy in army, by Alden, Roger; Burr, Aaron (1778) Letter about Royall House in Medford, loyalist refugees in London, and unjust punishment for his long service to America, by Royall, Isaac (1778) Letter from General William Heath to General William Phillips, allowing 2 British prisoners to go to Rhode, by Heath, William; Phillips, William (1778) Letter from Lord Weymouth to Sir William Hamilton about France's odious treaty with America, by Bath, Thomas Thynne, Marquis of; Hamilton, William, Sir (1778) Letter inquiring how an American can now attend Inns of Court, by King, Rufus (1778) Letter of a resolve passed October 15, 1778, to pay delegates in Congress, by Massachusetts. General Court; Avery, John; Pickering, John (1778) Letter to Abigail Bishop, pleading with her to marry him, by Scammell, Alexander; Bishop, Abigail (1778) Letter to American Commissioners, Messieurs Franklin, Lee, or Adams, about their friend's insulting letter and danger of his ruining French assistance, by Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de (1778) Letter to Arthur Lee in Chaillot, arranging meeting with Silas Deane, by Franklin, Benjamin; Lee, Arthur (1778) Letter to Capt. Gooch, reserving houses for Convention Army, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to clerk of County Convention, refusing to attend, by Rowley (Mass.) Selectmen; Adams, Benjamin (1778) Letter to Col. Charles Webb sending regards of fellow officers, by Huntington, Ebenezer (1778) Letter to Col. Daniel Morgan, ordering him to Middlebrook after Convention Army passes, by Washington, George (1778) Letter to Col. Elias Dayton about a general's letter, Little Tuttle, and Big Betty, by Caldwell, James (1778) Letter to Col. Henry Jackson, asking for discharge papers, by Jackson, Jonathan (1778) Letter to Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, complaining about horse Wadsworth bought for him, by Peters, Richard (1778) Letter to Col. John Anstruther about exchanging him for Col. Ethan Allen, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Col. Moore Furman, asking that Trenton supplies be sent to Dobbs Ferry for General Greene, by Biddle, Clement (1778) Letter to Col. Moore Furman, requesting forage, by Biddle, Owen (1778) Letter to Col. Thomas Crafts, ordering men to reinforce Gen. John Sullivan in Rhode Island, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Col. William Williams about supplies, reorganization of Commissary Dept. opposition to Edmund Burke of North Carolina, and Tory lie that Washington is to be replaced, by Dyer, Eliphalet (1778) Letter to Commissary Moore Furman about forage, by Pettit, Charles (1778) Letter to Commissary Moore Furman, sending clothing on to Newburgh, by Stephens, William (1778) Letter to Dr. Brech, introducing Col. Harrison of Va. and suggesting Moon Island as ideal spot to watch Lord Howe attack French fleet, by Jackson, Henry (1778) Letter to Dr. Chevalier, regarding conduct of Joseph Bonnet, commercial matters, and arrival of squadron of the comte d'Estaing at Boston, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1778) Letter to Ebenezer Hancock authorizing payment of $388 to Maj. Daniel Lyman as aide-de-camp, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Ebenezer Hancock, Deputy Pay Master General, asking for accounts, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Elias Boudinot, Commissary of Prisoners, about Convention Army at Rutland, friction between British and Russians, and escapes, by Mersereau, Joshua (1778) Letter to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, wishing him speedy recovery from leg wound, by Fay, Jonas (1778) Letter to Gen. John Burgoyne, releasing paroled British officer who was caught in town after curfew, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Gen. Washington about road repair, by Lincoln, Benjamin; Washington, George (1778) Letter to Gen. William Alexander (Lord Stirling) about Hessians' rumored embarkation, by Howell, Richard (1778) Letter to Gen. William Heath about Convention Army's expenses, by Phillips, William (1778) Letter to Gen. William Heath about letters and pass for business trip, by Phillips, William (1778) Letter to Gen. William Heath, about enclosing letter to General Burgoyne, by Phillips, William (1778) Letter to Gen. William Heath, asking that Capt. Willoc, Baron Riedesel's aide-de-camp, be allowed to rejoin 8th Regiment in Canada, by Burgoyne, John (1778) Letter to Gen. William Heath, recommending Capt. William North as aide-de-camp, by Crafts, Thomas, Jr (1778) Letter to General Harvey about imminent French entry into American war, by George III, King of Great Britain (1778) Letter to Gov. Richard Caswell, asking for list of North Carolina's absentee Loyalists, by Weare, Meshech (1778) Letter to Gov. Thomas Johnson about supplies for patrol boats in Chesapeake Bay, by Lee, Francis Lightfoot (1778)Letter to Gov. Thomas Johnson of Maryland, accepting offer of ship regretting delay in sailing of frigate Virginia, by Clark, Abraham, Francis Lewis, William Ellery, Samuel Huntington (1778) Letter to his brother Augustin Laurent Guillaumier, mentioning presence of British and Spanish vessels off Santo Domingo, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1778) Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about the dissolution of his marriage to Lady Anne Crichton-Stuart, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1778) Letter to his brother, Augustin Laurent Guillamier, mentioning arrival of the Comte d'Estaing at Boston, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1778) Letter to his son, Jonathan Williams, at Nantes about privateers and French trade, by Williams, Jonathan (1778) Letter to his wife about battle off Newport, warning her to keep servants armed to defend against Loyalists, by Clinton, James; Clinton, Mary DeWitt (1778) Letter to Ipswich selectmen, requesting town meeting to confer about election of senators and representatives, by Essex County (Mass.) Constitutional Convention (1778) Letter to James Hindman, Annapolis, Maryland, about command of defense force, by Nicholson, John (1778) Letter to James Lovell about his trip to England, return, suspicion, and exile, by Amory, John (1778) Letter to James Lovell, reporting that Mr. Amory was forced to take Loyalist's oath in New York, by Appleton, Nathaniel (1778) Letter to John Cushing and Benjamin White, recommending Capt. Robenshaw as Marine on board Minerva, by Wooster, Thomas (1778) Letter to John Cushing, Jr., about evacuation of Newport and French capture of Antigua, by Blodgett, William (1778) Letter to John Cushing, Jr., about rumored evacuation of New York, by Blodgett, William (1778) Letter to John Cushing, Jr., cancelling arrangements as he is ordered to Camp by General Greene unless Mrs. Greene's request for him as escort is granted, by Blodgett, William (1778) Letter to John Hancock about Henry Laurens' resignation as President and John Jay's election after Congress refused to investigate Silas Deane, by Hutson, Richard (1778) Letter to John Hancock about scarcity of money, by Steele, Benjamin (1778) Letter to John Hancock, complaining that Congress is antagonistic, by Deane, Silas (1778) Letter to John Hancock, defending his traitorous son, with Latin acrostic praising Hancock, by Church, Benjamin (1778) Letter to John Hancock, saying that English attack on Boston is unlikely, by Lovell, James (1778) Letter to John Thaxter about currency and Adm. d'Estaing's defense of Boston, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to John Thaxter about French fleet and siege of Newport, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to John Thaxter about French fleet at Newport, Boston's defenses, and currency, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to John Thaxter about Gen. Burgoyne and his style in drama and war, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to John Thaxter about Gen. Charles Lee's cowardice and John Hancock's illness, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to John Thaxter in York Town, Pennsylvania, about Duke of Richmond's speech, John Adams' possible capture on U.S.S. Boston, and smallpox in town, by Adams, Abigail (1778) Letter to Lord Weymouth, notifying English government of France's treaty with America, by Noailles, Louis Marie, vicomte de; Bath, Thomas Thynne (1778) Letter to Lt. Col. Israel Keith, ordering search of Convention Army's barracks for arms, by Heath, William (1778) Letter to Major General Heath, Williams, about paroles for Convention Army, by Phillips, William (1778) Letter to Pres. Henry Laurens, introducing Colonel Dircks from Holland who is writing about war, by Livingston, William (1778) Letter to President of the Congress, Henry Laurens, about French alliance, by Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de (1778) Letter to Samuel and Robert Purviance, sending payments for Deputy Quarter-master Eichelberger's purchases in Baltimore, by Peters, Richard; Eichelberger, George; Purviance, Robert; Purviance, Samuel (1778) Letter to Samuel Mather about enemy's departure from Rhode Island, Indian attacks, and Gen. Charles Lee's trial for cowardice, by Crocker, Joseph (1778) Letter to Tapping Reeve about prize ship captured for Colonel Aaron Burr, by Edwards, Pierpont; Reeve, Tapping (1778) Letter to William Bradford, asking him to keep Capt. Harrison unconfined, by Reed, Joseph (1778) Letter to William Malcolm about medical discharge for 7 Soldiers, by Poor, Thomas (1778) Letter to William Winthrop about prize ships, by Billings, Richard (1778) List of prices of commodities, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1778) Memorial for his excellency General Washington, by Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle (1778) Muster roll of the 3rd company (Westborough) of the 6th Regiment of Militia in the County of Worcester, by Brigham, Edmund (1778) Order requesting President of Board of War to pay bearer £400, by Orr, Hugh; Board of War Massachusetts (1778) Order to Deputy Paymaster Ebenezer Hancock to pay John Brown $50, by Brown, John; Hancock, Ebenezer; Heath, William; Loring, Seth; Richardson, James (1778) Order to Henry Gardner, Esq. Treasurer for the State of Massachusetts Bay, to receive Leonard's pay as General Court member during 1777, by Leonard, Zephaniah; Gardner, Henry; Godfrey, George (1778) Pass for leave for Lieut. James Wedgwood, by Poor, Enoch; Wedgwood, James (1778) Payments to Thomas Hill and Thomas Boylston for recruiting troops, by Jeffries, David; Boylston, Thomas; Hill, Thomas (1778) Petition to the Council and House of Representatives for pay raise from the Massachusetts Board of War, by Savage, Samuel Phillips; Browne, John; Glover, Jonathan; Johnson, Eleazer; Phillips, Isaac (1778) Receipt for 5 watch coats from Capt. Samuel Flower, by Day, Luke, Captain; Flower, Samuel (1778) Receipt for 9 OLD & RARE muskets and 12 bayonets to be repaired, by Caldwell, James; Williamson, Matthias (1778) Receipt for 232 rations from Jonathan Clarke, Asst. Commissary General of Convention Army, by Hamilton, James; Clarke, Jonathan (1778) Receipt for cannon and sea coal from Board of War, by Crafts, Thomas; Massachusetts. Board of War (1778) Receipt for return of blankets, by Smith, William Stephens (1778) Receipts for pay in army, by Reading (Mass.). Citizens; Bancroft, Samuel; Greenleaf, Stephen; Pratt, Ephraim; Emerson, Peter; Pool, Samuel (1778) Resolution rejecting proposed state constitution, by Salem (Mass.). Citizens; Norris, Edward (1778) Resolutions on necessity of bill of rights in state constitution and peace, by Essex County (Mass.) Constitutional Convention (1778) Vote not to send delegates to Essex County Constitutional Convention, by Salisbury (Mass.) Citizens; Morrill, Daniel (1778) Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 *****************Please make sure to check our other OLD & RARE eBooks collections listings Each collection is unique and take advantage of our Multiple Purchase DiscountsMultiple Purchase Discounts If you purchase 3 of our OLD & RARE book collections you will automatically qualify for a free collection of your choice Please use the eBay messaging service to let us know which collection you’d like totally free of charge! Returns & Exchange PolicyDue to the nature of the item being a DVD and it can be copied, there is no return on this item, but if the item is faulty please contact US via eBay's messaging service for the returns address. The item must be returned within 14 days and once received, a replacement will be shipped to you. We suggest returning items via Trackable Delivery Service. Terms & Conditions Please Note: In order to keep prices low for our customers, These ebooks are supplied on unmarked DVDs (no labels) and presented in a white or clear DVD sleeve for protection. The Content of this DVD has been collected and compiled by US. Reproduction and sale of this DVD data disc is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

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123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD123 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1778) DVD

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