Taryn Rose

21,500 + seeds Emergency Survival Bank 42 variety [ Medicinal-Edible-Herbal ]

Description: 21,500 + seeds Emergency Survival Bank 42 variety [ Medicinal-Edible-Herbal ] Cold Tolerant Fast growing NON-GMO Heirloom Free Shipping! Tested 1/5/2024, 80-99% Germ. Rate What You Get: The best value you will find--all of our most versatile vegetable seed offerings at 60%-75% off of what are already individually, the lowest prices on Etsy for the seed counts. The following seeds will come packaged in individually resealable bags: 1. Danvers 126 Carrot Seed (650+)2. Black Krim Tomato (25+)3. Ruby Red Beet Seed (150+)4. Dill (500+)5. Tall Utah Celery Seed (2750+)6. Harris Early Parsnip (50)7. Buttercrunch Lettuce Seed (1100+)8. Pickling Cucumber Seed (50)9. Marjoram (500+)10. Soybean (100 ct.)11. Sorrel, Broadleaf (500+) 12. Jackson Wonder Bean (50)13. Round Zucchini Summer Squash Seed (50 ct.)14. American Flag Leek Seed (500+)15. Purple Top White Globe Turnip Seed (650+)16. Curled Cress (1000+)17. African Cabbage Seed (1100+)18. Parsley (500+)19. Clemson Spineless Okra Seed (50+)20. Crookneck Golden Squash (50)21. Yard Long Bean Seed (50 ct.)22. Florida Broadleaf Mustard Greens Seed (1100+)23. Pak Choi Seed (800+)24. Italian Large Leaf Basil Seed (200+)25. Blue linum Flax (2000+)26. French Breakfast Radish (200+)27. Alsike (3500+)28. Rainbow Swiss Chard (100+)29. Hong Hua (25+)30. Wild Bergamot (600+)31. Smudging sage (220+)32. Chicory (1000+)33. Rock Cress Purple (150+)34. Yucca Glauca (20)35. Anise (150+)36. Ruby Queen Beet (150+)37. Black sunflower (20+)38. Lime Green Nicotiana (200+)39. Purple Thai Basil (450+)40. Siberian Wallflower (100+)41. Burnet (100+)42. Mugwort Herb (500+) Growing Instructions: Danvers 126 Carrot: Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep. Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 21 days. Companion plant with radish to guide carrot rows. Once 3 inches long, move them an inch apart to allow them to grow to their full potential. This open-pollinated variety grows up to 18 inches long, has a deep orange color and boasts a rich flavor. Ace 55 Tomato: Plant the seeds 1/4 of an inch deep. Keep the seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 14 days. Tomato plants grow well in nitrogen-rich soil. They are heavy feeders. This heirloom tomato variety withstands both hot and cold temperatures. Waltham Broccoli: Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch down, lightly covering with growing medium in a sunny location and keep the seeds moist. Germination should occur within 21 days. Once germinated plant the starters in a permanent location, ensuring a 2 foot spacing. Tall Utah Celery: Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep. Grow Utah celery seeds in full sun. Germination takes up to 21 days. If in a hot climate start the seeds in summer so that they will start growing their stalks by fall to avoid any wilting. Ensure the soil has good drainage. Space celery plants almost foot apart if you're planning waiting until stalks are large to harvest. Germination takes up to 21 days. Buttercrunch Lettuce: Plant seeds almost on the surface of well-tilled soil (1/8 of an inch). Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 10 days. All lettuce wilts in the sun however this heirloom variety of lettuce will withstand a little heat. The flavor is rich and hardy (reminiscent of butter) and the texture is soft and silky. Plant lettuce south-facing with some shade and water the roots frequently so that they don't get a full day of heat. California Wonder Pepper: Plant seeds 1/4 an inch deep into nutrient-rich soil when temperatures are warm. If you are germinating indoors, place them in front of a sunny window or optionally use a grow light. Germination takes up to 21 days. Once the vegetables grow, they require a 3 foot spacing for the roots to properly spread. This variety is sweet. Broadleaf Sorrel: Sorrel seeds need sunlight to germinate. So you'll want to sow them by pressing them snugly into the moist surface of the soil while also taking care that they don't bury into the darkness of the soil when watering. Keep the seeds and soil continually moist throughout the germination phase. Germination time takes 7-14 days. Round Zucchini Summer Squash: Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 10 days. These are great for stuffing and roasting. American Flag Leek: Plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep after frost is over in warm moist soil. Seeds germinate best when the soil temperature is between 60-80°F. Germination takes up to 15 days. Leek is light in flavor, chunky and delicious cooked. Purple Top White Globe Turnip: Plant seeds 1/4 an inch deep. Keep seeds and soil moist. Both the leaves and the root are edible. Germination takes up to 21 days. Red Russian Kale: Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep. Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 21 days. A nutrient powerhouse. African Cabbage: Plant seeds 1/4 an inch deep. Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 20 days. Eat the young, tender leaves for best flavor like spinach. Save the seeds from the pods that form once plant has fully matured. Daikon Radish: Plant seeds 1/4 an inch deep. Keep seeds and soil moist. Germination takes up to 6 days. Both the leaves and the root are edible. Clemson Spineless Okra: Plant the seeds 1/2 an inch deep. Clemson Spineless grows well in full sun. Germination takes up to 21 days. Yard Long Beans: Plant the seeds 1/2 an inch deep into the soil. Keep the seeds and the soil moist and the beans will germinate quickly. Germination takes up to 10 days. Each pod yields around 18 nutty flavored beans. Florida Broadleaf Mustard Greens: Plant seeds 1/4 an inch deep. Water frequently (hot climates need more water). If you are in a hot climate put it in a shady spot. Use nitrogen-rich soil and these will grow vigorously. Germination takes up to 21 days. Parsley: A balanced and flavor-brightening herb. Soak seeds in water for 12-24 hours for best germination results. Plant the seeds 1/4 inches deep. Germination takes up to 28 days. Long Leaf Italian Basil: Plant in soil temperatures of 70 degrees for best germination results. Plant the seeds 1/4 inches deep. Keep the seeds and the soil continually moist. Germination takes up to 14 days. Not only brightens up Italian dishes, has medicinal benefits too.Cherished by Home gardeners and flax-seed meal and oil producers alike. Also known as golden flax. If you grow blue-purple L. usitatissimum (Blue Linum) flower in your garden you will enjoy not only picturesque wildflower scenery but also the option of collecting the seed for use as golden flax grains once they have matured. Or if you would rather, let the seed drop for a new year of blooms to come. Blue Linium FlaxLinum also has medicinal value. The medicinal properties are: anodyne, astringent, cyanogenctic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, laxative, suppurative and vulnerary. Bearberry25 Bearberry Wild Cranberry Seeds: Edible Berry Shrub Tree Evergreen AttractiveOther Names: Arctostaphylos viscida, Blue Bearberry, Wild Cranberry, Sticky Whiteleaf Manzanita,Grow Zones: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (Hardy in zones 7-10) This California native boasts beautiful white to pink flowers from spring to summer and produces edible berries late summer for the picking. Make your own cranberry juice at home. It is a dwarf tree, meaning it grows as high as a shrub (which makes berry picking a breeze) and is beautiful to look at even during a season where rich blue-green leaves is all you might see. The blue-leaved foliage is what brings about the name Blue Bearberry. ...It is a very attractive small tree for your landscape. Bearberry grows in a variety of soil types however it is often found in rocky sand or soil. These fresh seeds come from a tree grove grower based in California. Just the same this species is found growing in the wild all throughout the Northwest region of the US. Nevada, Oregon, etc. Germination Instructions: Scarify by rubbing seed coating with sandpaper. Cold stratify seeds for 90 days in the fridge before sowing. Pro tip: This seed quickly germinates after wildfires, likewise, expert gardeners also set a small fire of pine leaves to the soil that the seeds will be sown in before sowing. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep into the soil. Keep seeds and soil moist throughout the germination phase (2 months). AlsikeMake Healthful tea at a fraction of the cost by buying these seeds in bulk and growing your own Alsike Clover Tea. This is enough seed to grow in many many pots! Alsike clover can also be planted in fields (even ditches), and is very winter hardy. Pink clover is great for beginner gardeners, as it is a very easy perennial wildflower to grow and care for. It simply needs plenty of water. Alsike clover blooms start out as white, and evolve into their true pink color within a couple months time. Nature is a fan of this clover as well. Bees enjoy pink clover for it's sweet nectar. Bee keepers plant clover next to their bee hives to make "clover honey". Deer are fans of eating clover as well. Livestock owners add Alsike clover to hay mixes, as the protein and energy content is greater than that of the red clover variety. Notably, horses should not consume it in large quantities as it does not digest well for them. How to use Alsike pink clover herb flowers: Collect the flower heads and leaves. Hang them upside down in your closet if you plan to dry them for a healthful, energizing tea. Women have used Alsike clover for many years to support healthy menopause, PMS and to soothe breast soreness. Also great for: Redness, itching, scaling, puffiness and otheruncomfortable skin conditions. For this, press the flower heads when they are fresh to collect the flower oils. The oils can then be added to skin creams or tinctures. Germination Instructions: Sow 1/8th of an inch into the soil in warmer temperatures. Keep seeds and soil moist throughout the germination phase (7-21 days). Rainbow Swiss ChardThese rainbow swiss chard seeds are both "true-to-seed" and "Pure", meeting both the needs of the outdoor garden grower and the micro green grower. This cool season mix is a festive color combination of striped red, gold, orange, pink & white chard. Great for edible landscape gardens, this brassica can fly under the radar as an ornamental any day. It is however quite delicious and packed with nutrients! In addition, it is one of the few vegetables that don't require a lot of space to grow. This makes them ideal for patio garden growers as well. Germination instructions: Rainbow swiss chard seeds need warmth to germinate, likewise it's best to start them indoors under controlled temperatures in the winter. Sow seeds 1/4 of an inch deep. If the soil temperature is warm, expect germination within 7 days. Great AngelicaThis herbaceous meaty herb grows 3-10 ft stalks when mature and is both used in meals and medicinally. For meals, the stalks are cooked alongside meats that go well with sweet sauces as it tastes reminiscent to berries! Great Angelica seeds can be pressed for their oil in flavoring foods. The root, seed, and fruit are used as medicine. The Angelica Atropurpurea species is used to support bodily functions that when are not working properly can cause heartburn, intestinal gas, loss of appetite, arthritis, circulation issues, runny noses (respiratory catarrh), nervousness, plagues, and troubled sleeping patterns (insomnia). Regarding ornamental value, Great Angelica Atropurpurea stalks turn a dark purple when matured while the tops stay green or turn white--which makes for a beautiful contrast. Be sure to add American Angelica to your herb garden today. Germination instructions: For the best germination rates, plant the seeds in the fall by sprinkling and gently pressing them down over the surface of the soil. Do not cover, as the seeds require sunlight to germinate. When natural outdoor temperatures vary from extreme cold to 60-75 degrees, the seeds begin to germinate and sprout. If not sown during fall (or at the latest in early spring), you can still start the seeds... The following measures need to be taken: Cold stratify Angelica seeds in the freezer for 60 days (wrap in moist paper towel and seal it all in a ziplock container). Then leave seeds in 60-75 degree temperatures inside your home for another month. Repeat cold stratification one more time (60 days again) to simulate varying temperatures that occur in temperate climate zones when they fluctuate naturally (fall-winter-spring). Then plant them outside in the same manner as stated above. Hong HuaThis wonder herb is so versatile flowers for teas, oils for cooking, and the seeds are high in protein,fats, and fiber!Safflower, also known as Hong Hua in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a herb used for both its medicinalproperties, as well as in cooking. The use of the flower and the oil of the seed is wide spread andis especially popular in many Asian dishes. Safflower seed oil, in particular, is increasing in popularity, as its health benefits become more well known.As a medicinal herb, the safflower flower has several benefits, namely for pain relief, a variety of gynecological disorders, reduction of small abdominal masses, dermatological problems, and heart diseaseSafflower is one of the most commonly used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine obstetrics and gynecology. In combination with other herbs, it is used to break up blood stagnation in order to relieve menstrual pain and restore a regular menstrual cycle where the period is irregular or is absent for months at a time. Stagnation refers to a condition in which blood or the fluids of the body do not move freely and smoothly.It is additionally used to aid difficult labor. JOINT BENEFITS Safflower (Hong Hua) is also a popular herb in herbal formulas for conditions characterized by impaired movement of the limbs. It is used for joint pain which is accompanied by swelling or difficulty moving the limbs, as it invigorates the circulation of blood in the channels to relieve pain, improve mobility and reduce swelling. ABDOMINAL MASSES This warming herb may also be used to successfully shrink small abdominal masses, whether they are accompanied by pain or not. It does this by promoting the movement of stagnant qi in the abdomen. Abdominal masses occur when stagnation is significant enough to cause the formation of a nodule or mass, as circulation in the area is impaired. SKIN DISORDERS It may be used to relieve skin eruptions which are dark purple or red and itchy in nature. CHEST PAIN Safflower is used to move the qi and blood in the chest to relieve chest pain relatedto angina. In a study using 100 patients treated with a 50 per cent Safflower (Hong Hua) solution, chest-pain relief was noted in 80.8 per cent, marked ECG improvement in 26 per cent and moderate ECG improvement in 40 per cent of the patients. Additionally, most patients in the study also reported a reduction in palpitations, dizziness and headaches. Germination 85% Purity of seed 99.67%Germination test 6/29/21 Safflower usually emerges 1–3 weeks after sowing and grows slower under low temperatures. Germination of safflower is epigeal. The first true leaves emerging form a rosette. This stage occurs in winter with short daylength and cold temperature, as the safflower can tolerate frosts up to -7C° during the rosette stage. When temperature and daylength start to increase, the central stem begins to elongate and branch, growing more rapidly. Early sowing allows more time for developing a large rosette and more extensive branching, which results in a higher yield. Flowering is mainly influenced by daylength. The period from the end of flowering to maturity is usually 4 weeks. The total period from sowing to harvest maturity varies with variety, location, sowing time and growing conditions; for June or July sowings, it may be about 26–31 weeks. Storage tip: Store seeds in the freezer for an extra 5 years of shelf life! Enjoy next day handling time and shipping via USPS First Class.

Price: 34.99 USD

Location: Saint Augustine, Florida

End Time: 2024-02-26T23:16:01.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

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 21,500 + seeds Emergency Survival Bank 42 variety [ Medicinal-Edible-Herbal ]  21,500 + seeds Emergency Survival Bank 42 variety [ Medicinal-Edible-Herbal ]

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Cultivating Difficulty: Very Easy

Type: Vegetable Seeds

Features: Cold Resistant, Deciduous, Draught Resistant, Edible, Fast Growing, Flowering

Climate: Highland, Humid Subtropical, Marine West Coast, Mediterranean, Semiarid, Tropical Wet, Tropical Wet & Dry

Sunlight: Full Shade, Full Sun, Low Sun, Medium Sun

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor & Outdoor

Brand: Unbranded

Season of Interest: Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter


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