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224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD

Description: Erotica Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 224 Books This is the most complete collection on USB FLASH DRIVE for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVEreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This USB contains 224 interesting books about Erotica. You will discover information on many topics such as sensuality, passion, desire, intimacy, seduction, eroticism, lust, provocative, steamy, erotic, literature, sexual arousal, erotic art, erogenous zones, kink, sensual pleasure and many more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Erotica! Contents: A lecture on sexual perversion, satyriasis and nymphomania (1889) - Lydston, F. - 24 pages Impotence and sexual weakness in the male and female (1895) - Martin, E. - 126 pages Sex and reason (1992) - Posner, R. A. - 480 pages The evolution and dissolution of the sexual instinct (1904) - Féré, C. - 398 pages The sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization (1909) - Bloch, I. - 816 pages Woman; her sex and love life (1929) - Robinson, W. J. - 424 pages A discourse on the worship of Priapus, and its connection with the mystic theology of the ancients (1865) - Payne, R. - 438 pages A Hindu book of love (1926) - Vatsyayana - 68 pages A history of English sexual morals (1936) - Bloch, I. - 664 pages A model of roles and attributions in sexual interactions (1980) - Crain, S. - 484 pages A new conscience and an ancient evil (1912) - Addams, J. - 248 pages A rational code of sexual ethics (1900) - Sanborn, E. S. - 120 pages A record of the enforcement of the laws against sexual immorality since Dec. 1, 1907 (1907) - O'Meara, S. - 60 pages A short treatise on onanism (1767) - Farrer, W. - 58 pages A study of masturbation and the psychosexual life (1929) - Meagher, J. F. W. - 138 pages A synopsis of the history and cure of venereal diseases (1737) - Armstrong, J. - 549 pages A systematic treatise on abortion and sterility (1868) - Hale, E. M. - 376 pages A treatise on the cause of exhausted vitality (1867) - Miller, E. P. - 140 pages A treatise on the decline of manhood (1885) - Small, A. E. - 134 pages A treatise on the diseases produced by onanism, masturbation, self-pollution, and other excesses (1839) - Deslandes, L. - 262 pages A treatise on the nature and treatment of seminal diseases, impotency, and other kindred affections (1848) - Bostwicj, H. - 270 pages Alla ricerca della verecondia (1884) - Chiarini, G. - 154 pages Allegories of desire; body, nation, and empire in modern Caribbean literature by women (2004) - Adjarian, M. M. - 393 pages Amphibiorum virtutis medicatae defensio continuata scinci maxime historiam expendens (1789) - Schweighaeuser, J. F. - 33 pages An Abridgement of Onania, or, The detestable sin of self-pollution, and all its dreadful consequences (in both sexes) considered (1789) - n.a. - 108 pages An Account of the remains of the worship of Priapus, lately existing at Isernia, in the kingdom of Naples (1786) - Hamilton, W. - 195 pages An inquiry into the causes of sterility in both sexes; with its method of cure (1797) - Walker, J. - 28 pages Analysis of the sexual impulse (1924) - Ellis, H. - 374 pages Analysis of the sexual impulse, love and pain, the sexual impulse in women (1913) - Ellis, H. - 376 pages Ananga-ranga; (stage of the bodiless one) or, The Hindu art of love (ars amoris Indica) (1885) - n.a. - 168 pages Anangarangam (1500) - Kalyanamallan - 152 pages Ancient society; or, Researches in the line of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization (1877) - Morgan, L. H. - 600 pages Ancient symbol worship. Influence of the phallic idea in the religions of antiquity (1874) - Westropp, H. M. - 112 pages Ancient symbol worship; influence of the phallic idea in the religions of antiquity (1874) - Westropp, H. M. - 114 pages Anonymous Private Lessons In The Cultivation Of Sex Force (1913) - n.a. - 202 pages Anthologica rarissima (1922) - Brovan, L. - 264 pages Anthropological studies in the strange sexual practises of all races in all ages (1933) - Bloch, I. - 280 pages Anthropology of the sex life in the levant (1934) - Stern, B. - 443 pages Aphrodisiacs and anti-aphrodisiacs; three essays on the powers of reproduction (1869) - Davenport, J. - 172 pages Bk Of Exposition (n.d.) - n.a. - 306 pages Causes that operate to produce the premature decline of manhood, and the best means of obviating their effects and bringing about a restoration of health (1873) - Small, A. E. - 72 pages Child life and sex hygiene (1912) - Smith, O. O. - 56 pages Christianity and sex problems (1906) - Northcote, H. - 280 pages Closet Devotions (1998) - Rambuss, R. - 216 pages Conjugial love and its chaste delights; also, Adulterous love and its sinful pleasures (1871) - Swedenborg, E. - 582 pages Curious cases of flagellation in France (1901) - n.a. - 304 pages Das Sexualleben der Afrikaner (1911) - Freimark, H. - 456 pages Die Prostitution (1912) - Bloch, I. - 870 pages Disease and sin; a new text-book for medical and divinity students (1886) - n.a. - 320 pages Dress, drinks, and drums; further studies of savages and sex (1931) - Crawley, A. E. - 296 pages Education in Sexual Physiology and Hygiene; A Physician's Message (1910) - Zenner, P. - 145 pages Eonism and other supplementary studies (1928) - Ellis, H. - 564 pages Erotic symbolism, the mechanism of detumescence, the psychic state in pregnancy (1906) - Ellis, H. - 308 pages Erotopathia; morbid erotism (1893) - Hughes, C. H. - 48 pages Ethnological and cultural studies of the sex life in England; illustrated, as revealed in its erotic and obscene literature and art (1934) - Bloch, I. - 442 pages Eugenics and the church (1909) - Peile, J. H. F. - 12 pages Factors in the sex life of twenty-two hundred women (1929) - Davis, K. B. - 460 pages Fecundity, fertility, sterility and allied topics (1871) - Duncan, J. M. - 528 pages Fishes, flowers, & fire as elements and deities in the Phallic faiths & worship of the ancient religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India (1890) - Reader, A. - 114 pages Flagellation in France from a medical and historical standpoint (1898) - Carrington, C. - 164 pages Frigidity in woman; in relation to her love life Vol.1 (1929) - Stekel, W. - 320 pages Frigidity in woman; in relation to her love life Vol.2 (1929) - Stekel, W. - 328 pages Gamiani (1930) - Musset, A. - 128 pages Geschlecht und Gesellschaft (1905) - n.a. - 648 pages History of flagellation among different nations (1903) - n.a. - 144 pages Home-treatment for sexual abuses; a practical treatise on the nature and causes of excessive and unnatural sexual indulgence, the diseases and injuries resulting therefrom, with their symptoms and hydropathic management (1853) - Trall, R. T. - 124 pages Homo-sexual life (1925) - Fielding, W. J. - 68 pages How the 'social evil' is regulated in Japan (n.d.) - n.a. - 38 pages Illustrations of phallicism; consisting of ten plates of remains of ancient art with descriptions (1885) - n.a. - 32 pages Impotence and sterility, with aberrations of the sexual function and sex-gland implantation (1917) - Lydston, F. - 344 pages Impotency in women (1878) - Warker, V. - 20 pages Karezza; ethics of marriage (1903) - Stickham, A. B. - 152 pages La nouvelle Justine ou Les malheurs de la vertu Vol.4 (n.d.) - Sade, D. A. F. - 389 pages La nouvelle Justine ou Les malheurs de la vertu Vol.5 (1797) - Sade, D. A. F. - 409 pages La nouvelle Justine ou Les malheurs de la vertu Vol.6 (1797) - Sade, D. A. F. - 401 pages La nouvelle Justine ou Les malheurs de la vertu Vol.8 (1797) - Sade, D. A. F. - 407 pages La prostitution contemporaine (1884) - Taxil, L. - 532 pages Lectures on female prostitution; its nature, extent, effects, guilt, causes, and remedy (1842) - Wardlaw, R. - 188 pages Les amis du crime (1928) - Sade, M. - 112 pages Les perversions instinctives (1912) - Dupré, E. - 70 pages Love in Hindu literature (1916) - Sarker, B. K. - 110 pages Love's coming of age; a series of papers on the relations of the sexes (1923) - Carpenter, E. - 230 pages Male continence, or self-control in sexual intercourse (1866) - Noyes, J. H. - 8 pages Man and woman; a study of human secondary and tertiary sexual characters (1934) - Ellis, H. - 484 pages Manhood, womanhood; a treatise on secret indulgence and excessive venery (1885) - Richmond, S. A. - 234 pages Manhood; the causes of its premature decline, with directions for its perfect restoration (1842) - Deslandes, L. - 262 pages Man's private companion (1873) - Knapp, H. - 84 pages Manual of classical Erotology (1883) - Forberg, F. K. - 260 pages Nervous exhaustion (1870) - Kahn, L. J. - 198 pages Odoratus sexualis; a scientific and literary study of sexual scents and erotic perfumes (1933) - Bloch, I. - 286 pages On a certain cause of sterility and its cure (1892) - Manton, W. P. - 16 pages On some of the causes of sterility remediable by mechanical treatment (1849) - n.a. - 12 pages On sterility and impotence in man (1887) - Cooper, A. - 124 pages On sterility in the male and female, its causes and treatment (1844) - Manton, W. P. - 260 pages On sterility in woman (1884) - Duncan, J. M. - 172 pages On the alleged infecundity of females born co-twins with males (1844) - Simpson, J. Y. - 20 pages On the causes and treatment of abortion and sterility (1848) - Whitehead, J. - 382 pages Onania, or, The heinous sin of self-pollution (1776) - n.a. - 352 pages Onanism, or, A treatise upon the disorders produced by masturbation (1781) - Tissot, S. A. D. - 204 pages Organ diseases of women, notably enlargements and displacements of the uterus, and sterility, considered as curable by medicines (1897) - Burnett, J. C. - 176 pages Pathology of the reproductive organs; embracing all forms of sexual disorders (1862) - Trall, R. T. - 255 pages Phallic worship; a history of sex and sex rites in relation to the religions of all races from antiquity to the present day (1941) - Scott, G. R. - 378 pages Phallic worship; an outline of the worship of the generative organs, as being, or as representing, the Divine Creator, with suggestions as to the influence of the phallic idea on religious creeds, ceremonies, customs and symbolism, past and present (1887) - Campbell, R. A. - 216 pages Phallism; a description of the worship of lingam-yoni in various parts of the world, and in different ages, with an account of ancient & modern crosses (1892) - Jennings, H. - 104 pages Plain facts about sexual life (1877) - Kellogg, J. H. - 372 pages Plain facts for old and young; embracing the natural history and hygiene of reproduction (1886) - Kellogg, J. H. - 658 pages Practical remarks on the treatment of spermatorrhoea and some forms of impotence (1854) - Milton, J. L. - 16 pages Premarital sexual intercourse; a modified approach to axiomatic theory construction (1974) - Davidson, J. K. - 224 pages Primitive symbolism as illustrated in phallic worship or the reproductive principle (1885) - Westropp, H. M. - 128 pages Private lessons in the cultivation of magnetism of the sexes (n.d.) - n.a. - 452 pages Prostitution in Europe (1914) - Flexner, A. - 476 pages Prostitution in London; with a comparative view of that of Paris and New York, as illustrative of the capitals and large towns of all countries (1839) - Ryan, M. - 514 pages Prostitution; a survey and a challenge (1933) - Halls, G. M. - 202 pages Psychology of sex; a manual for students (1933) - Ellis, H. - 344 pages Psychology of sex; how to make love and marry (1924) - Bush, D. V. - 316 pages Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct (1922) - Krafft-Ebing, R. - 643 pages Psychopathia sexualis; with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct a medico-forencis study (1931) - Krafft-Ebing, R. - 640 pages Rational sex ethics; a physiological and psychological study of the sex lives of normal men and women (1918) - Robie, W. F. - 360 pages Remarks on the social evil; with a view to the checking of its consequences, etc. etc. (1864) - n.a. - 17 pages Sadismus und Masochismus (1902) - Eullenburg, A. - 80 pages Scott's encyclopaedia of sex (1939) - Scott, G. R. - 404 pages Sex and character (1906) - Weininger, O. - 394 pages Sex and culture (1934) - Unwin, J. D. - 710 pages Sex and its mysteries (1929) - Scott, G. R. - 212 pages Sex and life; the physiology and hygiene of the sexual organization (1891) - Brown, E. - 148 pages Sex and repression in savage society (1927) - Malinowski, B. - 318 pages Sex and sex worship (phallic worship); a scientific treatise on sex, its nature and function, and its influence on art, science, architecture, and religion--with special reference to sex worship and symbolism (1919) - Wall, O. A. - 632 pages Sex and society; studies in the social psychology of sex (1907) - Thomas, W. I. - 344 pages Sex and the senses (1922) - Van Teslaar, J. S. - 393 pages Sex efficiency through exercises; special physical culture for women (1933) - Welde, T. H. - 426 pages Sex equality; a solution of the woman problem (1907) - Densmore, E. - 444 pages Sex histories (1900) - Robie, W. F. - 368 pages Sex hostility in marriage; its origin, prevention and treatment (1931) - Velde, T. H. - 352 pages Sex life in England (1934) - Bloch, I. - 368 pages Sex problems and dangers in war-time (1940) - Scott, G. R. - 104 pages Sex searchlights and sane sex ethics; an anthology of sex knowledge (1922) - Stone, L. A. - 826 pages Sex worship; an exposition of the phallic origin of religion (1909) - Howard, C. - 234 pages Sex, culture, and myth (1962) - Malinowski, B. - 360 pages Sex-differences in second-language learning; personality variables (1974) - Armenian, A. - 200 pages Sexual aberrations; the phenomena of fetishism in relation to sex Vol.1 (1930) - Stekel, W. - 392 pages Sexual aberrations; the phenomena of fetishism in relation to sex Vol.2 (1930) - Stekel, W. - 374 pages Sexual anomalies; the origins, nature and treatment of sexual disorders (1948) - Hirschfeld, M. - 552 pages Sexual apathy and coldness in women (1927) - Gallichan, W. M. - 200 pages Sexual debility in man (1901) - Sturgis, F. R. - 444 pages Sexual impotence (1915) - Vecki, V. G. - 436 pages Sexual impotence in the male (1883) - Hammond, W. A. - 286 pages Sexual impotence in the male and female (1887) - Hammond, W. A. - 320 pages Sexual inversion (1915) - Ellis, H. - 418 pages Sexual life in ancient Greece (1932) - Licht, H. - 648 pages Sexual life in ancient Rome (1934) - Kiefer, O. - 428 pages Sexual life of primitive people (1921) - Fehlinger, H. - 150 pages Sexual love, a plea for the study, and an effort to begin the study, of a most important phenomenon (1903) - Dean, G. S. - 168 pages Sexual neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion); its hygiene, causes, symptoms and treatment (1898) - Rockwell, A. D. - 328 pages Sexual neuroses (1879) - Kent, J. T. - 154 pages Sexual pathology; a practical and popular review of the principal diseases of the reproductive organs (1875) - Bigelow, C. - 214 pages Sexual physiology and hygiene (1895) - Trall, R. T. - 410 pages Sexual physiology; a scientific and popular exposition of the fundamental problems in sociology (1867) - Trall, R. T. - 322 pages Sexual problems of today (1922) - Robinson, W. J. - 360 pages Some phases of sexual morality and church discipline in colonial New England (1891) - Adams, C. F. - 56 pages Sterility and conception (1922) - Child, C. G. - 248 pages Sterility in the woman and its treatment (1893) - Sinéty, L. - 146 pages Studies in the psychology of sex Vol.1 (1942) - Ellis, H. - 1452 pages Studies in the psychology of sex Vol.2 (1942) - Ellis, H. - 1618 pages Taboo and genetics, a study of the biological, sociological and psychological foundation of the family (1920) - Blanchard, P. M. - 328 pages The alternate sex; or, The female intellect in man, and the masculine in woman (1904) - Leland, C. G. - 150 pages The archaeology of prostitution; literary and material evidence (2002) - Caferatti, R. - 154 pages The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction (1807) - Winfield, S. - 171 pages The book of nature; containing information for young people who think of getting married (1861) - Ashton, J. - 92 pages The book of the it; psychoanalytic letters to a friend (1928) - Groddeck, G. - 260 pages The causes and curative treatment of sterility (1856) - Gardner, A. K. - 194 pages The delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugial love; after which follows the pleasures of insanity pertaining to scortatory love (1909) - Swedenborg, E. - 652 pages The diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders in the male and female (1945) - Huhner, M. - 540 pages The evolution of modesty, the phenomena of sexual periodicity, auto-erotism (1910) - Ellis, H. - 383 pages The history of prostitution; its extent, causes and effects throughout the world (1906) - Sanger, W. W. - 714 pages The history of syphilis (1908) - Bloch, I. - 47 pages The infertility of women (1888) - Campbell, H. F. - 38 pages The institutionalized sex taboo (1920) - Peters, I. - 128 pages The Kama sutra of Vatsyayana (1883) - n.a. - 216 pages The Law of sex (1883) - Starkweather, G. B. - 309 pages The Life Sexual; A Study of the Philosophy, Physiology, Science, Art, and Hygiene of Love (1905) - Beall, E. C. - 277 pages The masculine cross and ancient sex worship (1874) - Rocco, S. - 80 pages The medulla oblongata in its relations with sexual disorder, and on local blood-letting as a means of treatment (1884) - Harkin, A. - 14 pages The mental traits of sex; an experimental investigation of the normal mind in men and women (1903) - Woolley, H. T. - 208 pages The mystic rose; a study of primitive marriage (1902) - Crawley, A. E. - 516 pages The neuroses of the genito-urinary system in the male with sterility and impotence (1902) - Ultzmann, R. - 208 pages The new sex, marriage and birth control; a guidebook to sex health and a satisfactory sex life in marriage (1943) - Tyrer, A. H. - 272 pages The nightside of Japan (1914) - Fujimoto, T. - 324 pages The parents' part (1919) - n.a. - 16 pages The pathology and treatment of sexual impotence (1901) - Vecki, V. G. - 362 pages The play-function of sex (1921) - Ellis, H. - 12 pages The Sadist (1945) - Berg, K. - 191 pages The science of sex; an essay towards the practical solution of the sex problem (1901) - Godfrey, J. A. - 336 pages The second oldest profession; a study of the prostitute's "business manager" (1936) - Reitman, B. L. - 308 pages The Sex Life Of The Unmarried Adult; An Inquiry Into And An Interpretation Of Current Sex Practices (1934) - Wile, I. S. - 334 pages The sex worship and symbolism of primitive races; an interpretation (1916) - Brown, S. - 152 pages The sexual crisis; a critique of our sex life (1917) - Meisel-Hess, G. - 364 pages The sexual extremities of the world (1964) - Bloch, I. - 360 pages The sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization (1909) - Bloch, I. - 816 pages The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia; an ethnographic account of courtship, marriage and family life among the natives of Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea (1929) - Malinowski, B. - 744 pages The sexual life; embracing the natural sexual impulse, normal sexual habits and propagation, together with sexual physiology and hygiene (1923) - Malchow, C. W. - 326 pages The Sexual question; a scientific, psychological, hygenic and sociological study (1908) - Forel, A. - 566 pages The social evil (1902) - n.a. - 216 pages The social evil and methods of treatment; designed for use as a basis and outline for discussion in groups of laymen, such as men's clubs in churches (1912) - Cocks, O. G. - 76 pages The social evil in Chicago (1912) - n.a. - 414 pages The social evil in New York City; a study of law enforcement (1910) - Kneeland, G. J. - 312 pages The social evil, with special reference to conditions existing in the city of New York (1902) - Seligman, E. R. A. - 216 pages The story of the geisha girl (1917) - Fujimoto, T. - 262 pages The ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple (1922) - Marsh, A. - 353 pages The virile powers of superb manhood; how developed, how lost, how regained (1900) - Macfadden, B. - 250 pages The world's social evil (1914) - Burgess, W. - 426 pages The worship of Priapus (1883) - Payne, R. - 62 pages Things young men should know. A manual of the anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the sexual system (1884) - Eaton, C. W. - 786 pages Three contributions to the sexual theory (1910) - Freud, S. - 128 pages Two Essays on the Worship Of Priapus (1894) - n.a. - 316 pages Unisexual love (1934) - Fauconney, J. - 174 pages Unmasked, or, The science of immorality; to gentlemen (1878) - Walker, M. E. - 184 pages Untrodden fields of anthropology Vol.1 (1898) - Carrington, C. - 422 pages Untrodden fields of anthropology Vol.2 (1898) - Carrington, C. - 538 pages Untrodden fields of anthropology; observations on the esoteric manners and customs of semi-civilized peoples (1900) - Carrington, C. - 780 pages Veneres uti observantur in gemmis antiquis (1785) - Hancarville, P. - 300 pages Western men with eastern morals (1913) - Willis, W. N. - 332 pages What a man of forty-five ought to know (1901) - Stall, S. - 318 pages What a young husband ought to know (1897) - Stall, S. - 356 pages What a young man ought to know (1897) - Stall, S. - 236 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD224 BOOKS - Erotica - Sensuality Passion Desire Intimacy Seduction Lust - USB FD

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Format: Digital (Physical Delivery)

Topic: Sensuality, Passion, Desire, Intimacy, Seduction, Eroticism, Lust, Provocative, Steamy, Sexual Arousal, Erotic Art, Erogenous Zones, Kink, Sensual Pleasure

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


Language: English

Author: sunshine-books

Publication Name: Erotica

Genre: History and Genealogy

Features: Collector's Edition, Illustrated, Issues, Manuals, Publications, Collection, Library, Classic, Biographies, Catalogue, Books

Book Title: Erotica


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