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Rare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY Ohio

Description: Rare 1939 HC Yiddish Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy by Rabbi Issac H. Ever(son-in-law of Rabbi Levenberg ) Illustrated IVRY publishing cleveland Ohio book weigs 2 lbs , 7 ozs without packagingNote: Please choose USPS Paded priority Envelope if you want a free gift (whatever will fit). VG condition VG : No marks, no tears, no bumps. Spine was loose so I experly repaired it with archival materials, therefore the seam is sealed on the inside with Lineco doc repair strip and the outsode is sealed with pro bookbinding tape, black, as shown. Now the book / spine are solid as a rock. Egardless of the repair, the book is still a VG grade. message me with any comments or questions. Thanks. Enjoy! Our congregation, Brothers of Joseph, have upgraded their Machzors and Siddurs to The Artscroll , and are in the process of upgrading and/or replacing other Sefarim (Holy Books). So, the older ones, like this one, are being repaired if needed, and distributed to congregants and the world at large. Please enjoy this book, a piece of Norwich, Connecticut Jewish history, which was originally given as tzedakah (donation) to the Shul in Honor of those who came before us. Proceeds go to The Brothers of Joseph Library Project. Packed nicely for you as always. Please check my alternate shipping method(s) to see if one of them is cheaper / preferable for you. (Where it says "shipping" under the price, click "See Details" for information, and then choose your favorite at checkout, or just go with the default. ) Enjoy! Here are the rough notes from the kevarim site, all lnks and email addresses and photographs removed. You should go to the website and see the original. There were more photos there. Rare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY Ohio Rabbi Yehuda Heschel Levenberg Found this info at KEVERIM online and removed all the links If anyone needs me to remove it, please message me. Thank you. by | Nov 13, 2007 | Chief Rabbi, Connecticut, New Haven, CT, Rosh Yeshiva | 39 commentsRabbi Yehuda Heschel Levenberg יהודה העשל ב"ר צבי הלוי Rosh Yeshiva, Orthodox Rabbinical Seminary, New Haven, Connecticut Date of Death: Sat. January 15, 1938 - Shevat 13 5698 Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in. See CONTACT page for details. Thank you. Cemetery: Jewel Avenue Cemetery - New Haven Notes: Jewel Avenue Cemetery is the common name for a number of smaller cemeteries at this location. Among them Congregation Beth Israel Vilner Lodge Cemetery, Adas Israel Cemetery, Congregation Beth Israel Cemetery, and Mt Sinai Cemetery Memorial Park Additional information can be found here: [see website Kevarim ] Directions to Kever: Jewel Avenue Cemetery located along Jewel Avenue between Oynx Street and Whalley Avenue in New Haven, is the common name for a number of smaller cemeteries at this location. Each cemetery maybe independently owned and operated. Location: Congregation Beth Israel, Vilner Lodge Cemetery along the main path, D6 [photo} Biographical Notes: Photo Caption: Rav Yehuda Heschel Levenberg in New Haven, Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH) [ photo] Photo caption: The last known picture of Rav Yehuda Heschel Levenberg, Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH) Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH) Photo Caption: Advertisement announcing Rav Yehuda Heschel Levenberg visit to Jersey City, Credit: The Jewish Morning Journal, May 13, 1917 Bio Information: Rav Yehuda Heschel Levenberg’s first position in the United States was the Chief Rabbi of Jersey City. Credit: Rabbi Eliezer Greer, The Yeshiva of New Haven Synagogue Credit: Rabbi Eliezer Greer, The Yeshiva of New Haven Synagogue [photos here from findagrave online, gravestones, etc. ] Credit: Dov Elias, Kew Gardens Hills Next: Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Pessin » 39 Comments 1. Mordi on February 13, 2008 at 5:11 pm What did he do in the New Haven? 2. Baruch Amsel on March 13, 2008 at 8:23 pm He founded the first European style Yeshiva in the United States. 3. Mordi on May 2, 2008 at 2:43 pm Thanks 4. Jonah Levenberg on October 12, 2008 at 9:48 pm Who posted this photo? My great grandfather… 5. lizensk12 on October 13, 2008 at 3:37 pm I did, it was from the first ones to be posted on the website. Do you have any good stories about your great grandfather? Thank you, brauch's email address here 6. Mitch on March 11, 2009 at 10:10 pm Who is the Rav buried alongside Rav Levenberg? 7. Miller on July 1, 2009 at 11:24 am His SIL Rav Yitzchok Zvi Ever wrote a complete biography in Yiddish on his FIL, available on Hebrew Books website [link was here, but there was no hard copy book available, only digital versions] Baruch, The comment from Mitch points out a good note that next to Rav Levenberg it seems like another Rav is buried. After adjusting the brightness of the photo I was able to identify it as Rabbi Yisroel Tauber Ben Reb Schmuel, Niftar 5685-1925, do you know more about him? 8. Bamsel A on July 1, 2009 at 11:39 am I believe he was a talmid of the yeshiva. 9. Blackleibel on July 1, 2009 at 2:44 pm The Yeshiva of New Haven was in Cleveland for a time and Reb Sheftel Kramer was also a R”Y. (My father Z”L was a Talmid there.) There was a split and part of the Yeshiva moved to Baltimore to become Ner Yisroel. 10. Chief Rabbi on August 26, 2009 at 2:02 pm I just noticed that his tombstone is not decorated with lavish titles. “Here lies Yehuda Heschel Levenberg” further showing how great he was!!!!!!! 11. Gedalyah on August 27, 2009 at 9:02 pm I have a good picture of Rav Tuber’s kever that I’ll send in. 12. Farshlufen on August 11, 2010 at 5:56 pm Cheif rabbi, the nusach on his matzeiva is according to his tzava’ah, see in the above mentioned [by miller] bio on him. 13. YD Miller on August 12, 2010 at 10:05 am Baruch, Was this your first post? Nov 13 2007, wow!! almost three years ago, and we have noe over 700 posts, Great job! 14. Barry Graham on August 15, 2010 at 9:47 pm Where was Rav Levenberg born? My family on one side is from Latvia, and married Levenbergs. I’ve never actually met a Levenberg who is related, but then I’ve never actually met a Levenberg either! 15. warren hellmann on March 4, 2011 at 9:29 pm i believe my grandfather joseph hellmann was the nephew of rabbi levenberg his mother was a levenburg and they imigrated from latvia to south Africa at the turn of the century and lived in the orange free state south Africa my grandfather recounted the story that he came to newhaven in the 30’s to study with his uncle to be a rabbi but ended up going to university of Michigan and studied dentistry i am interested to see if this is the uncle that my late grandfather who passed away in 1995 was referring to you an contact me on [phone number] 16. Farshlufen on July 13, 2011 at 1:40 pm FEBRUARY 1, 1933 City Council Gets Resolution Calling for Probe into Arrest of Rabbi ASK DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST POLICE OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE FOR FORCIBLE DETENTION OF RABBI LEVENBERG Cleveland – A resolution was presented to the city council last night for an immediate investigation of the forcible detention of Rabbi Jehudah H. Levenberg, for questioning in the bombing of the Danches Poultry Market on January 18th. The resolution was introduced in the form of an emergency issue by Councilman Herman E. Kohen. Mr. Kohen’s demand provides that Mayor Ray T. Miller be requested to direct Director Frank J. Merrick to investigate the action of the police department to determine which members of the department are responsible for “such outrageous conduct and take such disciplinary measures as the case may warrant.” Rabbi Levenberg, besides being Dean of the Cleveland Yeshivah, is spiritual leader of three major orthodox congregations in the city. He was taken into custory by police at 3:00 A. M. after the bombing of the Danches Market had occurred. The resolution further asserts that Rabbi Levenberg, “one of the outstanding Orthodox Jewish rabbis in Cleveland and considered as such by Jewry of the country, was held incommunicado at the Central Police Station for 14 hours. Furthermore that police abused and insulted the members of his congregation who called at the station for the purpose of making an inquiry as to why their rabbi was detained.” It was learned yesterday that Mayor Miller had received telegrams from all parts of the United States protesting against the conduct of police in the case of Rabbi Levenberg. Police Chief George Matowitz has been instructed by Director Merrick to look into the case immediately and make a report to him. Police, according to the resolution, accused Rabbi Levenberg of being a racketeer and of having a criminal record. Such accusations, the measure asserts, are “wholly unfounded, false and ridiculous,” and that a great injustice and humiliation had been perpetrated upon Rabbi Levenberg and every member of his three congregations. “The wanton disrespect of the rights of the citizens of Cleveland was an affront to Jew and Gentile as well, and was a direct insult and outrage to the Jewry of Cleveland,” Mr. Kohen’s resolution reads. Mrs. Danches, owner of the poultry market, the bombing of which has implicated the rabbi, told police that Rabbi Levenberg and another man had come to her house to collect tax on killing of chickens and that these men had threatened her after a dispute had arisen. It was the second time in a month that the poultry shop had been bombed. The truth of Mrs. Danches’ statements to police are being questioned, and the threat is reported to be unfounded. The local B’nai Brith will co-operate with the Federation of Orthodox Congregations to control racketeering among Kosher butcher shops and markets. Jta archive link here 17. Farshlufen on August 16, 2011 at 11:59 am yated link here 18. Jonah Levenberg on December 24, 2011 at 1:17 pm Barry- I believe he was from Riga, Lavtia. I know that my great-Grandmother was. Warren- Rabbi Levenberg was in New Haven. His son, Rabbi Samuel Levenberg was born in 1914 and studied in Europe just before the second world war. He came back and was a Rabbi in New Haven, where my father was born. When my great grandfather came to the US, I know that some of the Levenberg’s moved to South Africa and some to Israel. Love to know more about what you found out. 19. Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum on March 25, 2012 at 3:47 pm An interesting consideration is that Rabbi Levenberg’s name included Heshel while his father was Zvi. Did his father die before he was born? 20. Tzvi on March 26, 2012 at 9:00 am Heshel and HeRshel are two totally different names 21. shoshana levenberg on March 29, 2012 at 5:59 pm Rabbi Yehuda Levenberg was my grandfather. I’m the daughter of his eldest son, Moishe. Jonah, you must be a grandson of yudi, because shmuel had only two children and i believe that esther (diane) never had kids. Tho my grandfather died nearly a decade before i was born, there were many stories about him. None about my grandmother. Does anyone have any info about her? 22. shoshana levenberg on March 29, 2012 at 6:05 pm oh, yes. The family was originally from Riga and around the turn of the century split: some going to israel (palestine then), and to the u.s. while others went to south africa, or so the stories went. I stayed with one of the israeli branch in the 1960’s, a man named zalman, who was an editor for ma’ariv. I’d love to know more about the south african branch. Warren, when do still have family in south africa? 23. Rosh Haqohol on April 2, 2012 at 12:29 pm There is a yid in Lakewood by the name of Rabbi HERSHEL Levenberg shlit”a. He wrote a few sforim and was a rosh chabura in Bais Medrash Gvoha for many years. He is a son of Reb YH Levenberg ztz”l. I had the honor and pleasure of visiting him in his current ‘home’ (the Lakewood Courtyard). An outstanding talmid chochom and an unbelievable baal middos. He also has an amazing memory. He showed me many photos of his father and his father in law, Reb Moshe Shatzkes ztz”l, with many gedolei yisroel of the previous generation. 24. Jonah Levenberg on August 22, 2012 at 11:56 pm Shoshana, Shmuel was my grandfather. He had two children, Esther (Diane) who did not have children and passed away a number of years ago in Israel, and my dad, Judah, who we lost 4 years ago. So if I follow this correctly, we would be cousins (a few removed obviously). I am trying to work on the family tree, because at this point my son would be the end of the line of this part of the Levenberg family. Can you contact me directly? [ email address] 25. Farshlufen on October 27, 2013 at 11:47 am Cemetery Map: # D29 link here 26. Relative on February 12, 2017 at 8:06 am Baruch Dayan Haemes. Rabbi Levenberg’s son Rav Tzvi Levenberg was niftar this week. Link here 27. Yaakov bienenfeld on January 24, 2018 at 10:31 am Anybody going to his kever this monday? 13th of shevat. 28. Shalom Ever on July 30, 2018 at 3:35 pm I am the grandson of Rav Yehuda H. Levenberg Z’L, and the son of Rav Isaac Ever author of the famous Yiddish biography of my “Zeide”. My mother was Ethel Ruth (Levenberg). Please, Jonah contact me directly to my email [email here ] I have additional info you may like to have regarding our common heritage. Looking forward! 29. Raizy Levenberg on January 5, 2019 at 10:32 pm This has been most interesting to read!! I am a great great grandchild of R’ YH Levenberg zt”l. My great grandfather was R’ Tzvi H Levenberg zt”l. I live in the UK and have always been interested in finding out more details of the extended branches of the family! Would love to be in touch regarding details of the family tree. My email address is [email here] 30. Debra Margolis on August 21, 2020 at 9:13 pm My mother was the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Herschel Levenberg. Her name was Miriam Margolis. My father Allen Margolis went to his yeshiva in Cleveland Ohio. That’s how they met. They also lived in New Haven where your grandfather Samuel was the Rabbi of the Young Israel. Your father & Aunt Esther ( Diane) lived with us for about a year after their mother died. We then moved to New York. It would be nice to connect. I have many stories. I used to be close to your Aunt Esther. 31. Family on October 5, 2020 at 3:04 am I see that there are a lot of different branches of the Levenberg family here – Maybe everyone can add their branches onto geni.com There is a basic family tree there already but is missing a lot…. 32. Family on October 5, 2020 at 3:05 am Maybe the different branches can shed some light on how the family spread out. Rabbi Yehuda H had 7 children [American Census 1920 and 1930 and 1940] 1) Bertha 2) Ethel 3) Morrie 4) Samuel 5) Miriam 6) Bernice 7) Harold 1 – Bertha married Moses Mintz. Had children Malcolm and another 3 [which I cannot read on the 1940 census]. Dora [Devora] the wife of Rabbi Yehuda H was registered with them in the 1940 census. [Yehuda H died in 1939]. I think that Bertha was known as Brocha Ahuva and had a famous radio show and was a public speaker. 2 – Ethel married Isaac H Ever in 1936 – He put out a book (in Yiddish) about his father-in-law Rabbi Yehuda H. 3) Morris [Moshe?] married Flenor Bordow in 1937 7) Harold was known as Tzvi Hersh – lived in NY – passed away a few years ago. 33. Family on October 5, 2020 at 7:38 am Firstly – I made a mistake – Rabbi Yehuda H died in 1938 [not in 1939] Secondly in the 1940 census – Miriam, Bernice and Heshy [Zvi] are registered living with Isaac and Etherl Ever, and their mother Dora is with the Mintz’s. Does anyone know the history of how the family spread out after Rabbi Yehuda H passed away? 34. Vita Mintz on November 17, 2020 at 12:55 pm It is with utter fascinating interest that i came across the outpouring of my inheritance of my family on your Kevarim.Com My grandfather was Rav Yehuda Herschel Levenberg. My Name is Vita Mintz, I am the Daughter of Bertha Mintz the eldest Daughter of Rav Yehuda Herschel Levenberg. It is so amazing to see what happened to all my cousins, nieces, nephews etc. I welcome any further questions on my Email [ email here]Looking forward, Stay safe, love to all. 35. Tzvi on December 25, 2022 at 2:13 pm Anyone know what his wife’s maiden name was I see it says Devorah has Rav Levi hakohen on her Kever 36. Gedalyah on December 26, 2022 at 8:57 am Eidelstein? 37. Family on December 28, 2022 at 4:37 pm Eidelstein is correct. She was from Vindava – and married Rav Yehuda Heshel on the 15/5/1907 in Vindava. She was born 11/11/1881. Her father was a brewer. [Information from jewishgen] Does anyone have any pictures or information about her? 38. Dov Braunstein on June 19, 2024 at 11:48 pm A resident of Waterbury, Connecticut, I recently had the opportunity to daven at the kever of this tremendous tzadik. While I had heard of the Rav Z”L, and his famed Yeshiva, I was not aware that the Rav Z”L was buried in New Haven until reading a recent biography of the Rav Z”L in Mishpacha magazine. Although it took me a few minutes to find the well-cared for kever, it’s actually easy to locate. It’s about 10-12 kevarim along the path that commences at the “Vilna” sign. Knowing the greatness of this tzadik and his Rebbetzin made for an emotional visit. I encourage all to make the trip. 39. gershon wolf on September 20, 2024 at 4:55 am I have an entire book on Rabbi Yehuda Heschel Levenberg email me at [email here ] and I will send you some photos . Please put “Brothers of Joseph Library project” in the subject line so I don’t delete it. Gershon

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Rare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY OhioRare 1939 HC Rabbi J.H. Levenberg & Divrei Judah Halevy Illustrated IVRY Ohio

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Binding: Hardcover

Place of Publication: Cleveland, Ohio

Signed: No

Publisher: IVRY

Jewish Judaism: Jewish Judaism

Subject: AUTHOR: Rabbi Issac H. Ever

Original/Facsimile: Original

Year Printed: 1939

Language: Yiddish

Illustrator: photographs, etc

Special Attributes: 1st Edition, Illustrated, AUTHOR: Rabbi Issac H. Ever

Author: Rabbi Issac H. Ever

Region: North America

Personalized: No

AUTHOR: Rabbi Issac H. Ever: AUTHOR: Rabbi Issac H. Ever

Topic: biography

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


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